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The Iron Times is C-Eng's monthly newspaper, published by CSES. We use the term "newspaper" a little lightly because the Iron Times is a paper of the people: we take submissions from students (many of whom are regular columnists) for funny, witty, inspiring, heartfelt, informative, stupid, silly, brilliant, revolutionary, and not-so-revolutionary content. Sometimes there's news. Basically, whatever people want to write about.


Here's a preview of our most recent issue, January 2024. Click the image to download the full thing, or pick up a copy from one of the wooden newsstands around campus!



Still want more? Here's where we keep of all of our past issues: 


     Want to have your voice heard? Use the form below to be included in next month's issue! Give us an update on your club/society, tell us a story, or write a random think-piece! Anything goes!

Not much of a writer, but still want to make your voice heard? Or maybe you just like answering random questions? Well then C-Eng Speaks is for you! It's our monthly column where we publish the community's answers to a rotating selection of 6 expertly curated questions. Click the link below to give your thoughts!

     On the last page of each issue, we put out a crossword with answers centred around pop culture, life at Carleton, and the C-Eng community. Anyone who completes it correctly and submits the finished product is entered into a raffle for a chance to win some swanky limited edition patches (also shown on the page). Make sure to write your name and email address (legibly!) on the page, then hand it in at the CSES office, or snap a pic and use the submission form below. We do the draw on the day the next issue is released⁠—if you win, we'll shoot you an email!




Aiko Derry (She/Her)

Screenshot 2024-07-07 201936.png

Eliana Schartner (She/They)

They can be reached directly by sending an email to

Spread Designers

Mia Cornell

Beck Braun


Anjali Thyaparan

Ady King

​Em Smulders

Shanna Peper

Xavier Haziza


Send any questions, concerns, complaints, comments, exclamations, accusations, inquisitions, or inquiries to

You can also check out our social media and reach out to us there!

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If you have any other feedback that you would like to give anonymously (or not) to the Iron Times, please fill out the Publications Feedback Form and it will be forwarded to the VP Publications for review.

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The goal of the Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES) is to provide our members (undergraduate engineering students of Carleton) with academic, professional, and social resources to help them make the most of their four (or more) years at Carleton. 


Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES)

3390 Mackenzie Building

Carleton University

1125 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, Ontario

K1S 5B6

© 2024 Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES)

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