A central part of CSES' purpose is advocating on behalf of all undergraduate engineering students at Carleton whenever any academic concerns arise. This collective bargaining power allows us to have a louder voice and enact greater change with courses, departments, or the faculty as a whole.
For issues regarding specific courses or professors, we recommend first trying to reach out to them directly to try and find a solution. If you try that approach and don't find the solution you're looking for, then please do let us know and any submitted concerns will be dealt with by the Vice-President Advocacy in conjunction with the Faculty of Engineering and Design promptly.
For more information on the route you should take for academic concerns, see the flowchart below (you can click it to download it, also). To submit your academic concerns via our form, scroll down or click here.
To reach out to our Vice-President Advocacy Issues directly, send any questions or concerns to
You can also reach out to individual stream societies regarding academic concerns. Some links to their respective
forms are provided below. Please only fill out one form (ours, or a departmental society's, but not multiple about the same issue), though. This prevents any redundant work from being done!
Past reports from the CSES Concerns Committee are available for review through the following link: